acts to restore balance and nourish the field

Phytotherapy has been recognized for thousands of years and has been enriched over time by scientific research.

Phytotherapy refers to medicine based on plant extracts and natural active ingredients. This word comes from the Greek “phytos” which means plant and “therapeuo” which means to heal. This practice is based on scientific research on active plant extracts. These identified active extracts are standardized, to guarantee consistency of the presence of active components.

The latter has made it possible to understand how “friendly” plants, with ideal substance and chemical formulas, can nevertheless prove inactive or even harmful to the human body. Now, we know that to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, phytotherapy must take into account not only the active ingredients of the plants, their origin, their dosage, but also their possible synergy and interaction. Then, the process of delivering the active ingredient from the administration site to the systemic circulation is complex. It involves knowing and understanding the mechanisms by which the molecules of the administered substance will cross one or more biological membranes, then be distributed and finally eliminated.

Today, phytotherapy cannot be separated from the galenic formulation, which will make it possible to take into account and act on the physicochemical and pharmacodynamic characteristics that determine the rate of release, absorption and elimination of a substance so that it reaches exactly its point of action, which means the bioavailability.